Monday, September 3, 2007

Weekend for birthdays!

This weekend we went to Youngstown for the Harrell's twins, Kate & Lucy's 1st birthday party on Saturday. Then on Sunday we celebrated Benjamin Harrell's 3rd birthday in the morning, only then to get in the car and visit Eric's sister, Michelle, to celebrate her birthday on the way home. So, 6 hours in the car on both Saturday and Sunday make for a long weekend. BUT, it was a fun trip overall!!!! The kids all took great naps today and were in bed early.

Here are a few pictures...


Unknown said...

Molly- Look at you with the black and White artsy photos.... impressive!

molly said...

I must admit that those are mostly Eric's doing. He's doing a GREAT job lately taking pictures...something I've been asking him to do for quite some time. :) He's good at it, don't you think!

Traci said...

He is good! Looks like a great time!

Organized Chaos said...

Are these Beth and Matt's kids?

I'm totally taking her rice krispie castle idea for Baileigh's 6th bday at school. They have all these rules against cake/cupcakes so this would be perfect! I love the flags, you'll have to find out where she found them for me...seriously!!!